2º Caderno
p.142,143 : Itens comentados.
Categorizing Techiniques
In this part of the text we find some techniques for teachers try in their classroom in a way to improve student’s learning and motivation. These techniques can be taught by different ways: it can be highly manipulative (it means the teacher must control the technique and is required from the student a predicted response), it also can be very communicative (students’ response are unpredictable and teachers have less control in the activity).
Sorting these techniques we find the nomenclature as:
· Controlled
· Semi controlled
· Free
Controlled techniques:
1. Warm- up: it intends to get the students stimulated, relaxed, motivated, engaged or attentive in the lesson that will be given. It’s controlled because the teachers will say what to do, and how to do it, the students have to follow the rules.
E.g. dance, songs, play, games, etc.
2. Settings: it intends to get the students more focused in the topic lesson. It is controlled because teachers must conduct the students’ attention to the upcoming topic, the teacher cannot let the students focus in another subject.
E.g. Giving the students the location of the things that will be studied.
3. Organizational: it is about to manage the lesson plan and activities by organizing what and how the content will be passed. It is controlled because is something that generally belongs only to teacher, he/she is the one who has the access about that, it is difficult see students participating in the organizational activity.
4. Content Explanation: as the name says it is the explanation about the content (grammatical, lexical, phonologic, etc.). It is controlled because the teacher will decide what will be studied or not.
5. Role-play demonstration: It is an activity to produce artificial situations where the learner can practice his/her knowledge and also get more confident if he/she needs it. Pretending that students are in an airport and make the dialogues probably they will have there is an example of this kind of activity. The learner response must be predicted by the teacher and other students, otherwise, if the whole situation changes the student probably will not know what to do and the activity will lost its focus.
6/7. Dialogue/ Narrative presentation: it is very close to the role play activity because it consists in reciting a previously know test. This activity represents a passive reception because there is no implication of the students’ production or identification with the task.
8. Reading aloud: it is an exercise where the students just have to read a text (generally it is not made from him/her) using outside voice, in order to practice reading and phonologic skills. The student cannot change the text, he/she has to read it in the way it appears.
9. Checking: using this activity the teacher is allowed to give a feedback for his/her student and it can be given individually and the students’ specific questions and learning difficulties can be solved individually which makes a good situation for shy students.
10. Question-answer, display: This activity remember a little bit the role-play activity but instead to read and decorate a know text and play it, here, the student will just make previewed questions and also give known answers. Questioners and answerers have a very limited set of expectations and possibilities, which provides a very low level of students’ freedom.
11. Drill: Communicative exercise which mixes the role-play and questions-answer activities, it involver fixed patterns of suggestions and tenses in a certain order that students have to say in fact , they usually have to repeat. Here the repetition, substitution and other mechanical techniques are used. And as they are mechanic, rarely the students will try to change it, having a controlled text and activity.
12.Translation: It is generally used in order to improve vocabulary skills, get familiar with the language and improve writing skills, in this exercise the student must change a text, some phrases or words from language 2 to mother language or vice versa.
13. Dictation: The student should write down what was orally presented by the teacher, it is an activity which tries to connect oral and written language, but generally it involves a lot of problems because they are present as parts of one thing, when they are two different things and have different rules and evolution.
14. Coping: The student should write down a presented text. An attempt to let the students more familiar with the written language.
15. Identification: Students should identificate form, it can be a vocabulary form, a grammatical form, a definition of something, by marking these forms (the mark can be made by picking up, drawing a circle around what the students notice and recognized as something that was asked to be explicated in a text/phrase.
16. Recognition: Similar to identification exercise, the student should recognize forms, vocabulary or anything else.
17. Review: A summary of the studied subject, it is made after a certain period of time.
18. Testing: A formal test to evaluate the students’ progress, generally it is difficult to see EVERYTHING the student had learn just using a test, then teachers must be careful when use them.
19. Meaningful drill: In this kind of drill the responses will have meaningful choices, in a way to provide different situations and in formations, distinguished from regulated form of phrases.
Semi-controlled techniques
20. Brainstorming: A way that students can be motivated with the lesson’s preparation, it is made in groups, and it intends to generate multiple associations without make them related a formal analysis. The knowledge will be constructed using the basis knowledge of different students, making them construct their own knowledge about something using and thinking about the other point of view or opinion.
21. Story-telling: A presentation of a story. It can be made by the teacher for the students in order to increase attention span, motivate, and work a planning or from students to teacher/other students in order to practice speaking abilities.
22. Question-answer: Differently the one which was given as controlled technique, this way to work the activity should involve prompting of responses by means of referential questions. The questioner could not know beforehand the answer that will be given and the answerer also could not know the question which will be made.
23. Dialog: the students should produce a dialogue without a preview preparation.
24. Information transfer: Application of one mode to another, for example: the application to a text a message from a picture, the application for a picture a message from an audio. Here the student has the space to show her/his interpretation and knowledge of something, the answer will have, in a part of it, the students’ point of view.
25. Information exchange: Group exercise where students should share information to achieve one goal, for example: make riddles.
26. Wrap-up: short summary of a learned theme.
27. Narration/exposition: presentation of a text, orally, sharing the critical point of view, a kind of oral dissertation.
28. Preparation: the student moment to study: check if he/she really got the content and if there are questions to be solved.
Free techniques
29. Role-play: Disguised from role-play demonstration the students have a free “text”, they just have specific roles for each student and they can create the scene, dialogues, story and so on.
30. Games: Usage of various kind of games (it can be with different goals) as : board games, crosswords, dice games, etc.
31. Report: The students should choose a theme and make a report of it.
32. Problem solving: The students should find a way to solve together a defined problem.
33. Drama: Plan a dramatic presentation.
34. Simulation: Simulate real life situations and the students should interact.
35. Interview: A simulation of an interview, it can be a job interview, a trainee interview, student admition interview and so on, the students can be also the interview and the interviewed.
36. Discussion:
37. Composition: free theme, as the report activity this activity will be executed almost the same way but instead of being oral it will be written.
38. A propos: Conversation or social interaction between students, teachers, visitors and so on.
These are all good ideas of activities to do in a ESL class, but the teacher should pay attention because the activities should be made with a pre-determined goal, with the focus of what, when, how it will be worked, focus in the students’ profile and their motivations, the reflection about good and bad effects of the activity, the reflection about how the evaluation will be done, how the difficulties will be studied and solved. Summarizing the teacher should pay attention in the class’ and students’ needs and particularities.
p. 195,196,197 e 198: Testes resolvidos e resultados comentados.
Learning Styles Check List
1. I don’t mind if people laugh at me when I speak – C
2. I like to try new words and structures that I am not complete sure of- B
3. I feel confident in my ability to succeed in learning this language- A
4. I want to learn this language because og what I can personally gain with it- A
5. I really enjoy working with other people in group-C
6. I like to “absorb” language and get general “gist” of what is said or written-B
7. If there is an abundance of language to master, I just try to take things just one step at a time- B
8. I am not overly conscious of myself when I speak- B
9. When I make mistakes I try to use them to learn something about the language-A
10. I find ways to continue learning the language outside of the classroom-A
In this test I found difficult to answer many questions, because my reaction depends on the day, I mean it depends on my humor, on my motivation, for example: number 2: I like to try new things even If I am not complete sure, but it depends on the situation. I wouldn’t like to try this in a job interview, but I would not mind to try with a teacher or a friend. Question number 5 is another example: I like to enjoy working with other people in group if I have affinities with them, otherwise I do not like it!. So I answered these questions thinking in general life situations, and the result of this test is not far away of my learning style, but I think it is not also that close.
Extroverstion/Introvertion Test
1. I usually like: mixing with people (a)
2. I’m more inclined to be: pretty easy to approach (b)
3. I’m happiest when I’m: with other people (b)
4. At a party I: interact with many, including strangers (a)
5. In my social contacts and groups, I usually: keep abreast what what’s happening with others (b)
6. I can usually do something better by: talking with others about it (b)
7. My usual pattern when I’m with other people is: to be open and frank and take risks (a)
8. When I make friends usually: someone else makes the first movement (a)
9. I would rather: Be at home on my on (a)
10. Interaction with people I don’t know: taxes my reserves(b)
11. In a group of people I usually: wait to be approached (a)
12. When I’m by myself I usually feel a sense of: solitude and peacefulness(a)
13. In a classroom situation I prefer: group work (a)
14. When I get into a quarrel of argument, I prefer t: “have it out” and settle the issue right then and there (a)
15. When I try to put deep or complex thoughts into words, I usually: have quite a hard time (a)
Result: 4+4+2=10
9 to 12: moderately extroverted
I really think the result of the test is right, I think I am a moderately extroverted. Sometimes I feel shy and depending on the situation I can be very extroverted. In this test, the problem that I had in the last test happened again, in some questions the answer does not depend only on me. For example: At a party I usually interact with people, but if I arrive in a party with people I do not like I prefer to stay by myself, or if I am not enjoying the place, the music or is something bothering me, generally I prefer do not interact with people; the questions number 13 was also difficult because sometimes I like working in groups, but when I am in a classroom that I do not know people, or I do not feel comfortable with them , or even if I have too much different ideas of them and I notice the ideas can be discussed I prefer to work alone. I think my relationship with people always depend if I am excited or sad, if I am tired or not.
Right/Left Dominance Test
1. I remember faces- 4
2. I respond better to demonstrated, illustrated, symbolic instructions-4
3. I am intuitive/ I am intellectual- 3
4. I experiment randomly and with little restraint/ I experiment systematically and with control- 3
5. I prefer solving problems looking at the whole, the configurations, then approaching the problems through patterns using hunches- 4
6. I make objective judgments, extrinsic to person/ I make subjective judgments intrinsic person- 3
7. I am fluid and spontaneous/ I am planned and structured-3
8. I prefer established, certain information/ I prefer elusive uncertain information- 3
9. I am a synthesizing reader/ I am an analytical reader- 3
10. I rely primarily on images in thinking and remembering-4
11. I prefer drawing and manipulating objects-4
12. I can easily concentrate on reading a book in noisy or crowded places-4
13. I prefer studies/work that are opened ended/ I prefer studies/work that are carefully planned-3
14. I prefer participative authority structures-5
15. I control my feelings/ I am more free with my feelings- 3
16. I respond best to kinetic stimuli/ I respond best to auditory, visual stimuli-3
17. I am good at interpreting body languages-2
18. I frequently use metaphors and analogies-2
19. I favor logical problem solving/ I favor intuitive problem solving-3
20. I prefer opened ended questions- 5
Resultado: 68
Moderated right- brain oriented
Moderated right brain oriented teacher: As a teacher I can see the right brain dominance when I prefer to use hands-on activities over a lecture format. Generally I try to incorporate more art (manipulatives, visuals, music) into the classes. I also prefer a busy, active, noisy classroom environment than a quiet and calm one where the students are bored. In this case I think I have to be aware with the students that are left brain dominated because they probably will not identify theirselves with the lessons and the class, and I have to respect they way to learn and mix activities as much as possible for students that uses more the right side off the brain(as I am) and also the ones who use the left side.
Moderated right brain oriented student: As a student I really like to do art projects, I got involved with arts electives subjects in middle school, and graphic design. But as a moderated right brain oriented I also like to write papers and read,something that usually the highly right brain oriented people do not like to do, they would prefer to design and make a mobile rather than write a paper.
Comentário sobre um tema do Segundo caderno.
Communicative approach
As the language theories underlying the Audiolingual method and the Sitiuational Language Teaching method were questioned by prominent linguists like Chomsky during the 1960s, a new trend of language teaching paved its way into classrooms. Communicative Language Teaching . This theory is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign languages, emphasizing the interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. It is also referred to as “Communicative Approach”. Historically the approach or the Communicative Language Teaching has gained a considerable popularity.
One of the techniques presented by Douglas Brown is the Communicative approach. It is possible to say that the goal in this approach is a functional competence, it means, a person who can communicate in a social context, the language is vied as the product of a social context, and it is used just for communication (they do not see the language as part of an identity which carries a culture and an ideology),tthe focus are in how to produce an appropriate, natural end socially acceptable utterance in all context of communication.
The function of the teacher in this process is a “facilitador”, because he manage the students and promote the communication between them; the teacher should arrange tasks for communication and the students should interact with it. The students learn to communicate by negotiating meaning in an specific context (generally the context is proposed by the teacher in a false real life situation, the activities include information gap, choice and feedback).
This proposal wants the students feel motivated because they are learning a new language using the usefulness of language process, generally the language one is not used, the students should practice just the language 2 in way to develop the speaking and listening skills. The mistakes made by the students are not correct by the teachers, it just happens if the mistake disturbs the social context and if interfere in the communication which is been practicing
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009
Por Elipse: Young people speaking their minds (young people/ they are)
Getting so much resistance from behind
Coesão lexical
Antonimos: nobody- everybody
Getting so much resistance from behind
Coesão lexical
Antonimos: nobody- everybody
Por Repetição : It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
Pronominalismo:There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear
What it is ain’t exactly clear
Referencia exoforica: I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Coesão sequencial
Paralelismo :I think it’s time to stop
1.Whose message is this? Who created or paid for? Why
Anti-war message, showing that there are some people against the war’s idea, and it is better to stop at that moment. The music was created by a band named Buffalo Springfield, a folk-rock band with a lot of songs which talk about politics; they were in the united states during the Vietnam war’s time.
Anti-war message, showing that there are some people against the war’s idea, and it is better to stop at that moment. The music was created by a band named Buffalo Springfield, a folk-rock band with a lot of songs which talk about politics; they were in the united states during the Vietnam war’s time.
2. Who is the target audience?
People like them, people against the war fighting for a new world and against all the traditions.
People like them, people against the war fighting for a new world and against all the traditions.
3. What part of the story is not being told?
The war is not clear, but the idea of the war is there when they say that battle lines is being draw and there is a man with a gun in his hand. It also do not say clearly that they are against the war but is possible to see it when they talk about people in the street singing songs and carrying signs( which make us remember the movement against the war made by some young people at that time) and that is time to stop!
The war is not clear, but the idea of the war is there when they say that battle lines is being draw and there is a man with a gun in his hand. It also do not say clearly that they are against the war but is possible to see it when they talk about people in the street singing songs and carrying signs( which make us remember the movement against the war made by some young people at that time) and that is time to stop!
4. What are the positive and negative messages presented?
Negative: the historical moment they are living: a war where people died.
Positive: they could stop and change that reality
Negative: the historical moment they are living: a war where people died.
Positive: they could stop and change that reality
5. Is presented any kind of lifestyle? Which one is presented?
Yes, young people expressing their opinion, going to the street to sing and to protest and also the war lifestyle where the panic and terror are installed and if somebody do something ”wrong” he/she could be taken away.
6. What values is expressed?
Anti-war , peace, and freedom values
7. Change the point of view, how could it be if other person tells the same text?
If it was a government member speaking like the president, he would say the war is good because they were saving the world against the communism and everybody should help the USA army, going to the war or helping with it.
The song shows us a universe during the Vietnam War where there were people resisting and taking attitudes to show they did not agree with that war. The song shows the atmosphere of changes and conflicts, it incentivizes the Young protests .It shows the fear and the courage of the people that were fighting against the traditional ideas of the capitalism system.
It also shows the government had ways to combat them using violence : a man with a gun saying be aware and another who can take you away.
The song shows us a universe during the Vietnam War where there were people resisting and taking attitudes to show they did not agree with that war. The song shows the atmosphere of changes and conflicts, it incentivizes the Young protests .It shows the fear and the courage of the people that were fighting against the traditional ideas of the capitalism system.
It also shows the government had ways to combat them using violence : a man with a gun saying be aware and another who can take you away.
Buffalo Springfield – For What it’s Worth

There’s something happening here
What it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
There’s battle lines being drawn
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, now, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
What it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
There’s battle lines being drawn
Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
I think it’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away
We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, hey, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, now, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
Stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009
Hair: peace, love, sex, drugs and rock'n'roll

Hair is a movie version of the play written by James Rado and Gerome Ragni, the movie is directed by Milos Forman in 1979. This is a musical movie and it reproduces the scenery of the American youth in the Second World War named counterculture.
The story is about a group of young hippies whom criticize the individualist and technocratic society they lived in, they dare this model of society living the free love, the free sex, using drugs, long hairs, and so on.
These youngs - George Berger, Lafayette Johnson, Jeanie Ryan, Woof Dashund – are happy, lovely, sympathetic and try to be free in the relationships they have to make an opposition against the American way of life. Claude Bukowki, a young man who lived in the country and comes to New York to try to go to the army and to Vietnam war, and Sheila Franklin, a young girls who comes from a traditional family, join this group.
In the movie we can see them in the parks and publics spaces singing and dancing with others hippies. During the story Lafayette’s fiancé and her son join the group.
The movie central story is about Claude’s draft to Vietnam and his relationship with Sheila; intending to give a last meeting between this couple, Berger pretends to be Claude in the military quarter and unintentionally he goes to Vietnam and dies.
The others characters show different ways of the hippie proposal in 1960.
We can notice in the songs played in this movie the counterculture’s ideology, these songs are about the racial segregation, the police, the militaries, the private lands and the traditional family.
The movie’s title summarizes what was the most evident hippie symbol: the longs and uncared hairs, in a society where the men should have short hair, the fact of using this kind of hair was a way to show they didn’t agree with the rules in the society, and that they were against those rules, laws and traditions, as we can see on the song:
(…)Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair
I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy
Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty
Oily, greasy, fleecy
Shining, gleaming, streaming
Flaxen, waxen
Knotted, polka-dotted
Twisted, beaded, braided
Powdered, flowered, and confettied
Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!(…)
In this way the movie Hair shows us how the counterculture idea was made of many symbols and themes.
The pacifism had the Vietnam war as a target, and it we can see it in the beginning of the movie when Claude leaves his home and goes with his father to the bus which will bring him to New York, and when he arrives in the city he is reading the letter he received ordering him to enter to U.S. army and the letters says if somebody change or damage that paper could be arrested for five years or pay ten thousand dollars; showing the opposition of the idea the hippie group burn the letter.
Psychedelics experiments and Astrological elements are shown when the hippies are dancing in Central parks with the song about Aquarius Age.
The relations between the people of these group are frequently shown as an disinterested relations, they are there because they are friends, and that is all. By the way, the affections theme shows the love free from the marriages, the dates, and the monogamy situation by the Jeanie and Sheila, Jeanie is pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is, but they are all happy. Here we can see the breakup with the social conventions, they are just living the moment.
It is impossible to say about hair without comment the drugs experiences, in the movie we see a big music festival in the country which make us remind the Woodstock; in this festival there were a lot of hippies, hare Krishnas, rock bands, kids, and in the middle of these people a young man is distributing LSD to people whom receive the drug like the saint bread.
The connections between spiritual and psychedelic experience is evident, not only for the act that remember the catholic experience, but the presence of Claude’s vision that is very religious. The movie shows the hippie’s research for the perception’s expansion and the sacred conducted by the drugs.
Concluding the counterculture ideas the places where the story happen like the parks, are there to show many socials segments like: bourgeoisies, hippies, black people, children, polices and the Country man Claude, we cannot forget that these spaces represents open spaces where everyone (despite if they are men, women, black, white, old, young, etc.), the public space offers the diversity and the way the collectivity is interlocked.
Character analysis
George Berger: the leader of the hippie group, a symbol of uncorformism, the voice of counterculture’s ideas like: the war opposition, the free love, freedom, the use of drugs looking for another perception, the disinterested relation for his friend, for whom he cut his hair, goes to the army, and unfortunately to the war and death.
The story is about a group of young hippies whom criticize the individualist and technocratic society they lived in, they dare this model of society living the free love, the free sex, using drugs, long hairs, and so on.
These youngs - George Berger, Lafayette Johnson, Jeanie Ryan, Woof Dashund – are happy, lovely, sympathetic and try to be free in the relationships they have to make an opposition against the American way of life. Claude Bukowki, a young man who lived in the country and comes to New York to try to go to the army and to Vietnam war, and Sheila Franklin, a young girls who comes from a traditional family, join this group.
In the movie we can see them in the parks and publics spaces singing and dancing with others hippies. During the story Lafayette’s fiancé and her son join the group.
The movie central story is about Claude’s draft to Vietnam and his relationship with Sheila; intending to give a last meeting between this couple, Berger pretends to be Claude in the military quarter and unintentionally he goes to Vietnam and dies.
The others characters show different ways of the hippie proposal in 1960.
We can notice in the songs played in this movie the counterculture’s ideology, these songs are about the racial segregation, the police, the militaries, the private lands and the traditional family.
The movie’s title summarizes what was the most evident hippie symbol: the longs and uncared hairs, in a society where the men should have short hair, the fact of using this kind of hair was a way to show they didn’t agree with the rules in the society, and that they were against those rules, laws and traditions, as we can see on the song:
(…)Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it
Long as God can grow it
My hair
I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy
Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty
Oily, greasy, fleecy
Shining, gleaming, streaming
Flaxen, waxen
Knotted, polka-dotted
Twisted, beaded, braided
Powdered, flowered, and confettied
Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!(…)
In this way the movie Hair shows us how the counterculture idea was made of many symbols and themes.
The pacifism had the Vietnam war as a target, and it we can see it in the beginning of the movie when Claude leaves his home and goes with his father to the bus which will bring him to New York, and when he arrives in the city he is reading the letter he received ordering him to enter to U.S. army and the letters says if somebody change or damage that paper could be arrested for five years or pay ten thousand dollars; showing the opposition of the idea the hippie group burn the letter.
Psychedelics experiments and Astrological elements are shown when the hippies are dancing in Central parks with the song about Aquarius Age.
The relations between the people of these group are frequently shown as an disinterested relations, they are there because they are friends, and that is all. By the way, the affections theme shows the love free from the marriages, the dates, and the monogamy situation by the Jeanie and Sheila, Jeanie is pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is, but they are all happy. Here we can see the breakup with the social conventions, they are just living the moment.
It is impossible to say about hair without comment the drugs experiences, in the movie we see a big music festival in the country which make us remind the Woodstock; in this festival there were a lot of hippies, hare Krishnas, rock bands, kids, and in the middle of these people a young man is distributing LSD to people whom receive the drug like the saint bread.
The connections between spiritual and psychedelic experience is evident, not only for the act that remember the catholic experience, but the presence of Claude’s vision that is very religious. The movie shows the hippie’s research for the perception’s expansion and the sacred conducted by the drugs.
Concluding the counterculture ideas the places where the story happen like the parks, are there to show many socials segments like: bourgeoisies, hippies, black people, children, polices and the Country man Claude, we cannot forget that these spaces represents open spaces where everyone (despite if they are men, women, black, white, old, young, etc.), the public space offers the diversity and the way the collectivity is interlocked.
Character analysis
George Berger: the leader of the hippie group, a symbol of uncorformism, the voice of counterculture’s ideas like: the war opposition, the free love, freedom, the use of drugs looking for another perception, the disinterested relation for his friend, for whom he cut his hair, goes to the army, and unfortunately to the war and death.
Motivation- Douglas Brown and answer 7 about the text
Motivation in the classroom
In the classroom, as in most areas of life, motivation is essential for a person to succeed. It is important for a teacher to have some understanding of what motivation is and how it will affect each and every student and their learning progress. Douglas Brown has a cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement.
Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside factors, for example, the need to pass an exam, the hope of financial reward, the possibility of future travel, having a gift as consequence of an attitude, and so on.
Intrinsic motivation, by contrast, comes from within the individual. Here a person might be motivated by the enjoyment of the learning process itself or by a desire to make themselves feel better.
By the knowledge of the motivation theory the teacher can greatly affect the success of the student in so far as how lessons are presented, and also how the teacher in fact presents themselves to their students. The students will be influenced by the attitude of the teacher. It is very important for students’ success that the teachers has an obvious enthusiasm for teaching and a positive ‘can do’ attitude.So the teachers must be conscient of their role and the kind of motivation he/she is workingh with.
Answer about the text
Question number 7:
Parent’s and society’s ideas, values and wishes are forced into pupils, they make the institutions that dictates the school curriculum, teachers have almost any or none choices about this curriculum and students can’t chose if they want or like it. In this way the students are taught that the life is praise the teachers, authorities, families and then they can get something good as consequence like: good job, good gifts, some money and so on. The consequence of this game is that the students prefer to praise the ones whom have a good place in the society (priests, parents, authorities, bosses, etc.) instead of developing and wish of having some knowledge, experiences, good values and have their own opinion.
In the classroom, as in most areas of life, motivation is essential for a person to succeed. It is important for a teacher to have some understanding of what motivation is and how it will affect each and every student and their learning progress. Douglas Brown has a cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity, stimulation, new knowledge, and ego enhancement.
Extrinsic motivation is caused by any number of outside factors, for example, the need to pass an exam, the hope of financial reward, the possibility of future travel, having a gift as consequence of an attitude, and so on.
Intrinsic motivation, by contrast, comes from within the individual. Here a person might be motivated by the enjoyment of the learning process itself or by a desire to make themselves feel better.
By the knowledge of the motivation theory the teacher can greatly affect the success of the student in so far as how lessons are presented, and also how the teacher in fact presents themselves to their students. The students will be influenced by the attitude of the teacher. It is very important for students’ success that the teachers has an obvious enthusiasm for teaching and a positive ‘can do’ attitude.So the teachers must be conscient of their role and the kind of motivation he/she is workingh with.
Answer about the text
Question number 7:
Parent’s and society’s ideas, values and wishes are forced into pupils, they make the institutions that dictates the school curriculum, teachers have almost any or none choices about this curriculum and students can’t chose if they want or like it. In this way the students are taught that the life is praise the teachers, authorities, families and then they can get something good as consequence like: good job, good gifts, some money and so on. The consequence of this game is that the students prefer to praise the ones whom have a good place in the society (priests, parents, authorities, bosses, etc.) instead of developing and wish of having some knowledge, experiences, good values and have their own opinion.
segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009
Across the Universe
Across teh Universe is a movie directed by Julie Taymor ( The same of Frida-2002), this movie tries to characterize the 60's with its fights, dreams, wars and passions. In one side we have the Vietnan war, the racial segregation, and on the other side we have the searching for new horizons, the sexual lib, passions, a new musical scenery and some drug's travels. In this movie we can find a lot of musics (mainly Beatles' musics) creating a love story betewn two young people.
Love stories, the most part of time are trashy, but is very impressive the way the characters are contructed singing some songs, the young coupke give for this songs: life and their voices, in fact they can humanize the songs and in this way the movie makes the espectator see by the point of view of that age, it puts the viewer inside the 60's thoughts.
There are so many sceneries, fantasies, colors that the viewer can really imagine the situation how it were, and the experience of the director with teather's scnery and arts (as we saw on Frida), but on the other hand this kind of aesthetic exploration makes the scenary and others stuffs be more important than the story, the viewer's vision stays focused in the colors not in the story.
Watching this movie, it make us remiding Tim Burton's another one: Big fish, and also The wall (Alan Parker) because all of them make the audience invoke surreal and psichedelic images. And, of course, the movie Hair because of the date, the theme, the songs, the musical movie and so on.
Concluding in this movie we have some overstatements, requiring a little bit more vision of the espectator but it has also some humanity shown and some questions betwen its lines.
Love stories, the most part of time are trashy, but is very impressive the way the characters are contructed singing some songs, the young coupke give for this songs: life and their voices, in fact they can humanize the songs and in this way the movie makes the espectator see by the point of view of that age, it puts the viewer inside the 60's thoughts.
There are so many sceneries, fantasies, colors that the viewer can really imagine the situation how it were, and the experience of the director with teather's scnery and arts (as we saw on Frida), but on the other hand this kind of aesthetic exploration makes the scenary and others stuffs be more important than the story, the viewer's vision stays focused in the colors not in the story.
Watching this movie, it make us remiding Tim Burton's another one: Big fish, and also The wall (Alan Parker) because all of them make the audience invoke surreal and psichedelic images. And, of course, the movie Hair because of the date, the theme, the songs, the musical movie and so on.
Concluding in this movie we have some overstatements, requiring a little bit more vision of the espectator but it has also some humanity shown and some questions betwen its lines.
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009
Teaching methodologies: Immersion approach
Teaching methodologies
Immersion Approach
Immersion Approach has being very popular as a way of teaching, generally this method is used to teach children a second language. Immersion Approach methodology was based on the theory that the target language is best acquired if the learner is placed in the target language environment as much as possible so as to improve the language learning efficiency. Children here are exposed both to new culture and new language as well as gaining a well rounded and thorough academic education. Moreover, immersion has exerted a great influence also on the learner’s attitude toward the culture.
The belief of this kind of methodology is that normal children have inherent capacity o learn a second language.
In this kind of method students are instructed in most part of their course and subjects in the second language (In-class activities, such as math, social studies, and history, and those outside of the class, such as meals or everyday tasks, are conducted in the target language), its purpose is to create a learning environment in which the students acquire a high level proficiency in oral, listening and literacy skills.
This placement can be divided in two types of immersion: partial and total.
Total immersion
It involves the instruction of all subjects (except the L1 subject) in the second second language, it generally begins in the kindergarten with no use of L1 in the classroom and it continuous until second or third year in school, in these years students start to have a subject about L1 and in this classroom than can receive information in native language, they can speak in that language and they do exercises about and using L1, anyway, they have few time of L1 classes, generally it takes about 45 minutes a day in the initiate classes, and about 60-90 minutes a day in the major classes, as the grade levels increases so the degree that native language is used increases too.
Both native and second language skills are carefully monitored during the immersion program, in the beginning levels students can have some problems with their native language, particularly in spelling and reading (for example : kids have some spelling problems in with the letter “k” and “c”, because most of time they have the same sound in English and Portuguese, so they change it all the time in both languages)
Partial immersion
It involves instructions in the second language for a half the school day and the other half of the day in the native language. It also begins in the kindergarten, the language of instruction in the morning or in the afternoon may differ each grade from year to year. But when the L2 skills are compared with those students of total immersion at the same grade level, partial students are less proficient.
Since the immersion programs provide a greater exposure to the l2 than any other type of teaching methodology, it is not surprising that they produce better results. For the same reason early total immersion develop a higher success than early partial programs.
Positive outcomes:
1.Children of today will need to be bilingual to be successful in the global society and economy of their adulthood.
2. Childhood is the best time to develop an appreciation and understanding of diverse cultures,peoples, and perspectives in the world.
3. An optimal time to learn languages is prior to age twelve.
4. Children learn language by listening and repeating, and don’t have any fear of a “foreign”language.
5.Academic skills are actually enhanced.
6. Children are guaranteed to be challenged.
7. Parents will get envolved
Negative outcomes:
1. It has been noticed in Canada that the global comprehension of L2 in written production shown byimmersion students is not always accompanied by an equal degree of oral comprehension. For instance, spelling, verb forms remain problematic to them even after years of immersion schooling.
2. Sometimes the mistakes in L2 language it is not clearly corrected.
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Immersion Approach
Immersion Approach has being very popular as a way of teaching, generally this method is used to teach children a second language. Immersion Approach methodology was based on the theory that the target language is best acquired if the learner is placed in the target language environment as much as possible so as to improve the language learning efficiency. Children here are exposed both to new culture and new language as well as gaining a well rounded and thorough academic education. Moreover, immersion has exerted a great influence also on the learner’s attitude toward the culture.
The belief of this kind of methodology is that normal children have inherent capacity o learn a second language.
In this kind of method students are instructed in most part of their course and subjects in the second language (In-class activities, such as math, social studies, and history, and those outside of the class, such as meals or everyday tasks, are conducted in the target language), its purpose is to create a learning environment in which the students acquire a high level proficiency in oral, listening and literacy skills.
This placement can be divided in two types of immersion: partial and total.
Total immersion
It involves the instruction of all subjects (except the L1 subject) in the second second language, it generally begins in the kindergarten with no use of L1 in the classroom and it continuous until second or third year in school, in these years students start to have a subject about L1 and in this classroom than can receive information in native language, they can speak in that language and they do exercises about and using L1, anyway, they have few time of L1 classes, generally it takes about 45 minutes a day in the initiate classes, and about 60-90 minutes a day in the major classes, as the grade levels increases so the degree that native language is used increases too.
Both native and second language skills are carefully monitored during the immersion program, in the beginning levels students can have some problems with their native language, particularly in spelling and reading (for example : kids have some spelling problems in with the letter “k” and “c”, because most of time they have the same sound in English and Portuguese, so they change it all the time in both languages)
Partial immersion
It involves instructions in the second language for a half the school day and the other half of the day in the native language. It also begins in the kindergarten, the language of instruction in the morning or in the afternoon may differ each grade from year to year. But when the L2 skills are compared with those students of total immersion at the same grade level, partial students are less proficient.
Since the immersion programs provide a greater exposure to the l2 than any other type of teaching methodology, it is not surprising that they produce better results. For the same reason early total immersion develop a higher success than early partial programs.
Positive outcomes:
1.Children of today will need to be bilingual to be successful in the global society and economy of their adulthood.
2. Childhood is the best time to develop an appreciation and understanding of diverse cultures,peoples, and perspectives in the world.
3. An optimal time to learn languages is prior to age twelve.
4. Children learn language by listening and repeating, and don’t have any fear of a “foreign”language.
5.Academic skills are actually enhanced.
6. Children are guaranteed to be challenged.
7. Parents will get envolved
Negative outcomes:
1. It has been noticed in Canada that the global comprehension of L2 in written production shown byimmersion students is not always accompanied by an equal degree of oral comprehension. For instance, spelling, verb forms remain problematic to them even after years of immersion schooling.
2. Sometimes the mistakes in L2 language it is not clearly corrected.
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